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SBL Angustura Vera

Original price was: $7.00.Current price is: $5.60.

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SKU: DZX61967303 Category:

Description of SBL Angustura Vera :-

Causes & Symptoms for SBL Angustura VeraAngustura Vera patients complaints of great difficulty in walking. Crackling in all joints.The greatest craving for coffee is a characteristic symptom of Angustura Vera. Stiffness of muscles and joints and Oversensitiveness is seen in the patient of Angustura Vera.Angustura Veras Principal action is on spinal motor nerves and mucous membranes.MindExtreme excitement and gaiety. Absence of mind and reveries. Vivacity of mind, chiefly in the afternoon.Head Dizziness in the open air, or on crossing a stream of water.One-sided headache, or both sides ache as if about to faint.The headaches appear mostly at sunset, and continue until the patient goes to sleep.EyesTension and pressure in the eyes, as from too strong a light. Objects too far distant, must bring them closer.EarsCramp-like pain in the ears. Sensation as if something were placed in or before the ears.MouthDryness of the mouth and lips. Sensation of burning in the tongue.AppetiteBitter taste, principally after dinner and after smoking tobacco. Thirst, with desire for cold drinks, or sensation of thirst without a desire for drink.Disgust for food principally solid food with irresistible desire to take coffee, or with insatiable hunger.StomachCramp-like pain in the pit of the stomach. Acidity, coated tongue, unpleasant taste and loss of appetite.AbdomenBruise-like pain in the abdomen. Cutting pains, chiefly after having taken milk (hot).Stool and AnusStools frequent and copious. Diarrhoea of mucus, with colicky pains.Pressive and contractive pain in the anus with swelling of the hemorrhoids. Burning in the anus while at stool.Urinary OrgansFrequent urination, with scanty evacuation, or frequent and abundant evacuation of urine, preceded by pressure on the bladder, and followed by tenesmus.Urine of an orange color, and soon becomes turbid.Male Sexual OrgansMuch itching of all these organs, sometimes voluptuous. Seminal emissionsFemale Sexual OrgansTroubles with the right ovary is seen in the patient of Angustura VeraSensation as if the uterus were beating against the right ovary and right hip.Respiratory OrgansHoarseness from mucus in the aerial passages. Voice weak and faint.Dry cough, with rattling and scraping of mucus in the chest. Violent, deep cough, with expectoration of yellowish mucus.ChestOppression of the chest, on walking quickly, and during an ascent. Cramp in the chest, with painful spasms of the muscles of the chest.Painful sensitiveness of the chest, even to the slightest touch. Bruise-like pain in the muscles of the chest, on moving the arms.Neck and BackPainful heaviness in the nape of the neck, and between the shoulder-blades, in bed, in the morning.Violent itching along the back is seen in the patient of Angustura Vera.Upper LimbsArms tired and heavy, as if paralysed, with stiffness in the elbow. Cramp-like drawings in the forearm, the hands, and the fingers.Lower LimbsPressive drawing in all parts of the lower extremities.Pain in the joint of the foot on putting it down, producing lameness. Drawing in the limbs, with soreness.Pain in the inner side of the ankle, when walking, causing limping.SleepIn the evening, great drowsiness, followed by sleeplessness before midnight. Sleep disturbed by frequent dreams.


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